Friday 5 October 2012

Medium format - Twin-lens reflex research. ED2 photo assignment 1

The Twin-Lens reflex camera has one photographic lens (one that takes the pictures) and the other is used as a viewfinder which is usually viewed from above at waist level.

Twin-lens reflex.

The viewfinder consists of a 45 degree mirror, this is the reason for the wor reflex in the namem a matte focusing screen at the top of the camera, and a pop-up hood surrounded. The two objectives are connected so that the focus shown on the screen will be exactly the same as on the film.

These double lensed cameras were first developed around 1970, this was because people came to realize that having a second lens alongside the origional taking lens would mean focusing without having to swap the ground glass screen for the plate. 

The typical TLR is medium format, this is using a 120 roll film with square 6x6 cm images. There were smaller TLr models, this using 127 roll film with square 4x4 cm images, most famously known as the 'baby' Rollieflex.

120 roll film.

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