Friday 5 October 2012

Evaluation ED2 photo assignment 1

When I used the 5x4 large format camera, it was quite difficult at first to get used to but after I had figured out how to get it right, it went pretty well. The best photo taken from this camera is the one below.

what went well ?

As i didnt have a lot of time to use normal film and develop those in that afternoon, I tried using photographic paper in the slides and exposed those to light instead. I think the photo above went really well because you can deffinately see what the photo is supposed to be of.

developing this photo went really well too because I only had to put it in the developer for 1-2 minutes, the wash for 30 seconds and the fix for around 5 minutes, this cut down and saved a lot of time to try out all the different ways of creating self portraiture.

Taking the photo I used a cable release to make it much easier,I had to hold this down and make lots of flashes using the studio lights to get the picture to come out properly, in the end i worked it out that I needed to have around 10 flashes to get the right amount of exposure to the paper, any less than that and all of my other photos come out dark and you couldnt see anything. 
what didnt go well ?
When I first started loading up the slides I thought it went very well but after loading this into the camera and had taken my first picture, putting the slide back into the holder had caused the paper to come out and therfore exposing the whole thing to light.
Studio lighting took a lot of practice to get the right amount of exsposure, my first attempy I only did one flash; my print come out as a black peice of paper. But after many attempts and different amounts of flash the picture finally came out a decent quality for what it is. 
overall i find this camera brilliant to use because not only is the quality of the film pictures amazing but it also gives you experiance of cameras that were once very popular. 

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