Monday 22 October 2012

ED2 photo assignment 2 evaluation


I started off with my research and developing my ideas for the book cover, I found lots of really good inspiration for my idea such as shadows, segregated scenes and invisible men. This gave me the idea to take a photo of just a shadow, I thought this would be a good idea because then the person is there but you get the feel of him feeling invisible rather than being invisible.

During the shoot: the shoot went very well because it didn’t take a lot of time to set up, I used two lights, one harsh and the other with a honeycomb front to create a softer feel, this made a double effect on the shadow giving the effect of invisibility that I wanted to create. My model did very well as he was able to manipulate the double shadow as well as his own, I took 4 photos on film using a medium format camera, this had to be set and focused accordingly to the way the model moved as I moved the lights also to have a different shadow each time for a range of images.
Fixing the negatives: for this I had to load the 120 film onto the spirals and in to the canisters to develop the negatives. For this I had to mix 600ml of water and 600ml of developer and develop this for 15 minutes, turning and tapping the canister every 30 seconds. After tipping away the developer mix I then filled the canister with stop bath chemicals for 1 minute, emptied and filled with 1300ml of fix for 5 minutes, after this I washed them out by letting water continuously run through for 15 the dried the negatives.

Printing: to print my photo I did contact strips of my negatives  with 5, 10, and 15 seconds of light exposure to find the best outcome, I made a print of 15 seconds and a print of 13 seconds so i had a choice of which one works the best. When loading the negs into the enlarger I had to lower the negs towards the paper to make it fit the frame, loaded the paper, shiny side up and exposed the paper to light to print the picture onto it. after this i developed the photos for 1-2 minutes, washed for 30 seconds and fixed for around 5 minute before rinsing the chemicals of and drying the photos. after this i scanned the photos into Photoshop and made my book covers, the 1st one i simply flipped the image round and placed it in a good position where the writing would not be cut of or the image would not take away the effect of the writing, by turning down the opacity on the writing i overcame this problem...

The second book cover i decided to use the contact sheet i made to create the effect of old passport photos of a man who looks like he doesn't exist, because i printing on different film to what would have been used in the 1950s i used Photoshop to create a frame which says 'Kodak' on the side to make it more realistic to the time period, i really liked this effect because it is more complex than just a plain photo in the background and it gives an edge to the cover...

Overall if i had the chance to do this project again i would have a different approach of planning many different ways and techniques to create photos and have a lot more time to actually create the covers because i felt there wasn't enough time to make as many covers as i had wanted.

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