Friday 5 October 2012

Large format camera ED2 photo assignment 1

The large format cameras are very good if you are interested in ladnscape photogrpahy because they are big and bulky and take exactly pictures of things that are permanantly sttill. for example it is hard to get a picture of a moving animal if you so wish to.

How to focus and set the trigger to take a photo is done on the fron lens. The back of the camera is a glass panel that you look through once the shutter is open to get focused, to focus properly you have to have a sheet over you. the picture will be protrayed back to front and upside down so you have to judge what direction the model will need to move without disturbing the picture focus too much.

Loading this large format camera you have a holder which can contain two sheets of film, for this you have to take out the slides and load your film then replace the slides back in to prevent light exposure, once you have clicked the hodler into place you take out the forward facing slide and snap your picture, then returning the slide into its holder, black facing outwards so you know that peice of film has been shot. and continue this on the other side. once youve snapped your shots you are ready to develop.
Above are the difference between the film sizes of medium and large format cameras. 6x6 being the medium format camera, then the difference of the 4x5 camera, the picture quality is much better. below is an example.

 Example 1..

Nikon D100 6mp digital SLR
Tachihara 4x5 field camera

Tachihara 4x5 feild camera

                                                                          Nikon D100 6mp digital SLR

The quality differnce between this traditional camera and a digital is amazing.

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