Friday 9 November 2012

research into my clients.

when speaking to all three of my clients i found out the basics of what they needed such as lighting, style/genre and the instruments they play. with Lina and Lauren i managed to find out a bit more of what they would like for instanse; Lina would like to have a very colorful background and to be posed with fans to create the movement in her hair. Lauren would like pictures covering parts of her face to show shyness like the photos below.

I paticularly like the bottom photo because it is brighter and would show more of a personality and it allows space for if Lauren decided to use the shots for leaflets and flyers. Lauren also wants to have brightly coloured eyes/makeup to make her stand out in the photo. Lauren prefers location shots and photos like this would be better with a simple background behind as the background would take away from Laurens
Lina would like portraits and i had the ideas of some to be used for different things like Lauren. so i researched some exsisting photos to show and portray the idea...

All of these photos i feel from speaking to Lina would fit what she wants. the last photo in paticular i think would be great if Lina wore white and i changed the filters on the lights behind her so all the diffferent colours bounced of of her, along with the fans to make the movement in her hair  would be great for what she wants. with regards to Lina being a vocalist I had the idea of Lina doing a live shoot and singing whilst i take photogrpahs of her singing to get the sense of her being the vocalist. the tope two photos were the inspiration for Lina to create flyers and posters for if she becomes a singer or ever has gigs to go to. also in the style of the second photo of Demi Lovato would be a great photo for a CD cover.

My third client Liam wants studio and lcoations shots, in the studio he wants simple lighting and to have a kind of self portrait to portray him being a gutarist. my ideas for this are simple because i quite like the idea of a close up of him holding/playing the guitar.

These three photos are my choices that i think would work well and i am going to suggest these to Liam. i paticularly like the 1st photo because it still has him in the photo. it is a very simple but very effective idea.

Liam wants live location shots, i really like this idea and have found a photo that would be great, simple and fits into what Liam wants.


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