Monday 31 December 2012

Day 6- Mell Daniels- favourite memory.

well Christmas day me, mum, mark and my granddad played 18 rounds of uno., (exciting (Y) ).

Monday 24 December 2012

Day 3 - Mee - CHRISTMAS EVE!

sorry its late... but show in one photo your excitement for tomorrow!


my photo for Christmas eve....


Day 2 - Jake Aylward - Christmas Tree

Our Tree, well part of the tree. 

Day 1 - James Avci - Christmas Chocolates

So this is the Christmas Chocolate bowl we've had for at least 10 years :D good ol' santa bowl !

Friday 14 December 2012

Music Photography evaluation.


In regards to my location shoot there could have been a lot more planning to make it more efficient and so we knew exactly what we were doing. But on the other hand not having a plan made it more natural. Lighting was a issue for the location because of the position of the sun cause shadows that were not wanted but I overcame that by adjusting the location. Linas location shoot were done on a plain red wall, this helped alot because it made everything look neat, there was nothing in the background and no risk of other people walking by and getting into the shots, but also having the effec of the damaged wall was a great look on the photos.

Laurens location shoot was held on the same day as Lina's, she chose an abandoned building down the dock to get the gritty look. this worked really well with Laurens style and its different to the normal type of self portraiture. Laurens shoot could have gone better because she was too worried about what shes going to look like so it made her shy. Two of the photos taken through a window of the building worked really well because it was natural and she looked comfortable in the shots, also they turned out to be in an Adele kind of style.

I photographed 3 people for the studio shoot, Lina, Lauren and Liam, the studio shoot for all 3 clients went really well and I got some fantastic shots that needed next to nothing editing afterwards.
During Lina's shoot I managed to take 125 great photos so it was really hard to narrow all those photos down to just 3, but I chose two different styles of lighting, the first set oh photos I had to lights on Lina (one with a honeycomb fitting)and two lights on the background to make the whole thing brighter, the backdrop was white to also give Lina the brighter look she wanted. in photoshop i turned up the brightness and turned the contrast down to give it this look...
  The second set of lighting I tried out, I simply turned of the two back lights, this gave it a great look, it kept Lina bright and she stood out from the background, this lighting made her skin and clothes stand out more than the photo above, we are both really pleased with the outcome.
 And finally with this photo I turned down the black and white scale so it still had some colour, almost giving it the sepia look.
Laurens studio shoot went really well as she had gotten used to being in front of the camera and her poses were quite natural, I used a black backdrop for Lauren and used a harsh light shining down on her and a honeycomb light shining on her microphone to make the fact she is a singer more prominent.

my third photo for lauren was one of the first i took, it was lit by 4 lights and really made her stand out, but in photoshop i turned it to black and white which I beleive gave it a nicer feel to it.


Liams shoot was a live action shoot, he was playing his guitar whilst i took the photos, this made him feel alot more comfortable and I really got some good photos out of it. this shoot was again lit with one light on him the other on his guitar to also make the guitar stand out.

These are my final 3 photos because i beleive they looked the best and gave the best feel as to what Liam is like and how much he has a passion for what he does.

overall I think my photoshoot went very well, everyone was reliable, all of the photos come out great, but if I had the chance to do this again I would make more time for planning and technique, and more time to discuss what they want out of the photos.



Liam - studio shoot

Liams shoot went really well because liam played his guitar and i took photos of him. this way there was no overthinking and every shot was natural, Liam was very shy and embarrased about having to stand there and pose, so this was the way to make him feel at ease.

My final 3 images for Liam.

Lauren - studio shoot

I vbeleive Laurens studio shoot was much more succesfull than the location, Lauren was more natural and i dont think she was over thinking it.

My final three images of lauren have only been either cropped or changed to black and white in photoshoot. they were very good origional shots.

Lina - studio shoot

Lina's shoot was VERY succesfull and myself and Lina are very happy with the outcome and i have many photos for her. I had to different set ups of lighting, the first one i had lights on Lina and on the background to make the backdrop lighter and give her the bright feeling she was after.


I left space to the right of Lina so she can use the photo for different purposes to promote herself.

I then changed the lighting and just turned of the background lights and it gave this effect...
I really like this lighting because it makes the colour of Lina's skin and clothes more prominent.
The next photos are some one the ones i couldnt pick from.

Lauren - Location shoot.

Lauren had her whoel shoot planned out and new what she wanted as her location but wasnt sure of what style of photos she wanted. It was difficult to work with this because everything I did she was unhappy with.
BUT I beleive i was succesfull with a few photos and she liked them herself.

The photo above is the origional but the one below I played around with the contrast ad brightness to see how it turned out.

Lina- Location shoot.

For Lina locations shoot, she was very laid back and was great to work with. Her shots needed very little photoshop, she is very photgenic. Lina chose her place and background for me to take her photos.


Friday 9 November 2012

research into my clients.

when speaking to all three of my clients i found out the basics of what they needed such as lighting, style/genre and the instruments they play. with Lina and Lauren i managed to find out a bit more of what they would like for instanse; Lina would like to have a very colorful background and to be posed with fans to create the movement in her hair. Lauren would like pictures covering parts of her face to show shyness like the photos below.

I paticularly like the bottom photo because it is brighter and would show more of a personality and it allows space for if Lauren decided to use the shots for leaflets and flyers. Lauren also wants to have brightly coloured eyes/makeup to make her stand out in the photo. Lauren prefers location shots and photos like this would be better with a simple background behind as the background would take away from Laurens
Lina would like portraits and i had the ideas of some to be used for different things like Lauren. so i researched some exsisting photos to show and portray the idea...

All of these photos i feel from speaking to Lina would fit what she wants. the last photo in paticular i think would be great if Lina wore white and i changed the filters on the lights behind her so all the diffferent colours bounced of of her, along with the fans to make the movement in her hair  would be great for what she wants. with regards to Lina being a vocalist I had the idea of Lina doing a live shoot and singing whilst i take photogrpahs of her singing to get the sense of her being the vocalist. the tope two photos were the inspiration for Lina to create flyers and posters for if she becomes a singer or ever has gigs to go to. also in the style of the second photo of Demi Lovato would be a great photo for a CD cover.

My third client Liam wants studio and lcoations shots, in the studio he wants simple lighting and to have a kind of self portrait to portray him being a gutarist. my ideas for this are simple because i quite like the idea of a close up of him holding/playing the guitar.

These three photos are my choices that i think would work well and i am going to suggest these to Liam. i paticularly like the 1st photo because it still has him in the photo. it is a very simple but very effective idea.

Liam wants live location shots, i really like this idea and have found a photo that would be great, simple and fits into what Liam wants.