Monday 22 April 2013


The first video I looked at was Gotya’s somebody I used to know. I picked this because it has a mx of live action and stop motion In the background. I like this style because it feels like a music video but has the subtle stop motion animation of colours on the wall and their bodies.

The second video I looked at was owl city fireflies. This is a music video that has been created by a fan in Switzerland, involving live action at the beginning and stop motion throughout the rest of the video,  I think this is a great technique because it has an interesting background throughout , the disadvantaged to this technique is that Ipswich isn’t the most interesting place to be in and would not have the same effect.

The third video I looked at is ‘Double Vision’ by 30H!3.  Also created by a fan on a cannon s camera, ( shows that we could do this as students) I chose this video because it shows a great way of portraying lyrics or lip syncing in a stop motion video.
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The fourth video I looked at was her morning elegance. I think this is a very creative and simple way to produce a stop motion music video. And you could film this with an cheap camera, and it would be very cheap to produce, they use socks for fish, pillows for clouds. So for this style and technique you wouldn’t necessarily have to spend any money at all.

The fifth video I looked at Shugo Tokumaru - "Katachi". I think this is a brilliant interpretation of stop motion animation. This really shows how good the outcome can be if you put in all the time and effort, this video would have taken quite a while to make because someone would have had to have each piece individually cut out. This is the technique  I would love to use but to create something of this standard would take a lot more time than we have.  I think that this video has a fantastic look about it and i think it is very successful in keeping you interested. for example when we watched it in class, the class was silent and completely engrosed in what we were watching. The intricate detail within the different peices used to create this is amazing and you can deffinitley tell the amount of effeort and time gone into the video.

The final video I looked at is called Dear Someone by Walker Lukens. This is a very creative video using a polaroid camera and using the pictures to create the stop motion. The strengths to this video is that the creative side is almost comical, he climbs up a chair and rocks. I can see this to be very popular, I would also love to create a video using this method but not with polaroid’s as this is quite expensive. But this is certainly something a student can achieve. The use of polaroids is a very classy and unique way to go through this but like i have mentioned it is a very expensive way to do this but the end resuly is great.

Proposal for stop motion music video!

Stop Motion Proposal
For the stop motion music video myself and the rest of the group have picked the track Spider, we picked this because the idea gave us the opportunity to have a section each to do at home as the idea is to create a play dough spider and have him getting kicked out of each house (5 house’s means its easily and quickly filmed). The track brings across the concept that the man is unloved for no reason; as spiders are. We plan to have signs up saying ‘No Spiders Allowed’ representing things like segregation, and use more play dough to create different expressions on the spiders face, this will hopefully bring across the point that spiders are harmless but still unloved for no reason.
in terms of editing I think  that it would be good to have all different sequences but the same part in each sequence played at the same time for example you cut from the spider going into each person’s house, you will notice the difference  because of the change of scenery. If we play one sequence then the next it will get a bit boring and people will then know what to expect but as we are all having different story lines with the spider, if they are being played in line then it will show more of the story as all the pain and sadness is coming at once.
For my section of the video I had the idea of someone putting the spider in a glass and throwing it out of the door (like I often do with spiders) and to demonstrate the effort of getting into the house, building their web and then it being destroyed by people with the fear of spiders then disposing of them. Lots of people will understand our video because many people have a fear of spiders and many often know that they are harmless but people still hate them.
The lyrics are quite meaningful but I am hoping that the animated and cartoon like spider will bring a fun side to the video but still tell the story.

Video Promo - Photography cross over project.