Friday 28 September 2012

Vivian Maier 1926 - 2009 ED2 photo assingment 1

I have chosen to research Vivian Maier because I have found that for the time period that she was a photographer she has shown very clever skills and they way that she has taken the photos I find this very interesting.

Vivian stated of as a nanny before she found her passion and devotion to photography. she started out with a Kodak brownie box camera with only one shutter speed.with this camera she was very limited to what shots she could produce with this amateur camera.

in 1952, Vivian buys a rolliflex camera to fur fill her fixation. in almost every one of her self-portrait pictures she is using this camera.

I think her work is exceptionally creative because she has found ways to portray herself and in some ways portray herself with out actually seeing her, or much of her. this is the style of self-portraiture I like.

In 1956 Vivian moved to Chicago and enjoyed the luxury's of a darkroom and a bathroom. This allowed her to process and print her own rolls of B&W film.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Task 3- self image

I made the background of this photo black and white to show my colourful personality.